Awaisi, Inc.

Troubleshooting Printing Problems wth Wyse V90L

The V90L is one of the latest thin clients from Wyse. It runs a modified version of Windows XP called Windows XPe (embedded).

You may find in operation that it chokes on printer of large files. Specifically, we found that at around 400-500 kb, it starts dropping data from the print job, if not the entire remaining job.

Here is our solution:

1) Re-login as Administrator. To do this, select log off user while holding down the shift key. You will be taken to a username/password prompt. Enter “Administrator” for both username and password.

2) Press “Start” –> “Run” –> Enter “regedt32.exe”

3) Search for HKeyLocalMachine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Drivers\. This is the path for the print spooler. Change it from “Z:\Local Settings” to “C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\”.

In practice, we found that this solved the problem.

Categorised as: IT Services

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